Estimate Request

  • Submit your request below, and Peter will stop by soon for an outdoor look at your windows 8 am to 8 pm any day of the week.

  • You don’t need to be home at the time.

  • Please unlock any fence gates.

  • We’ll leave our business card and email your estimate ASAP.

  • A scheduled indoor estimate visit is required for post-renovation/construction cleanings, OR if windows haven’t been cleaned in (no shame here) FOREVER.

    NOTE: If you live 25+ miles from downtown Minneapolis, please email or text outdoor photos of all sides of your home, showing all windows and doors. We will email a ballpark estimate. Thank you!

Kabekona Lake - - Benedict, Minnesota

Kabekona Lake - - Laporte. Minnesota

Estimate Request

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Your data is secure and not shared.
Estimate Requests Only
Marketing submissions will be purged.